Risk intelligence for AV deployments

The deployment of Autonomous Vehicles at scale is disrupting the motor insurance industry. (Re-)insurers do not have access to the same rich history of claims available for human drivers. Underwriting Autonomous Vehicles with potentially critical, unknown risks of new technology has never been more complex.

To address this rapidly emerging need, SIMULYTIC uses simulation and AI to generate the synthetic driving history of a proposed AV operation and location. SIMULYTIC brings insight and quantification of the risk of Autonomous Vehicles before they hit the streets.

Want to learn more about our methodology?

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Simulating real-world scenarios for AV risk assessment


Any location or weather condition


We simulate AV behaviour in the unique context of a specific deployment, worldwide. Our models are tailored to a location and use case, under normal conditions, in adverse weather or traffic conditions, or when drivers and other road users engage in non-compliant actions.

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Our methodology fuses the synthetic AV driving history with AI to analyse hundreds of thousands miles and identify unsafe interactions. Those can be both accidents and near-misses, a metric that is unavailable in the real world yet provides unique insight into everyday risk potential.

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Industry-relevant KPIs and insights


Traditional risk profiles revolve around driver histories, garaging locales and other accident rate attributes. AV risk profiles relate to how the technology handles interactions with other road users and their unique environment. We single out risk factors relevant to insurance products and pricing.

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Want to learn more about SIMULYTIC?

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